A Glimpse Into 1920s Fashion Through 40 Candid Mugshots
1. Group of Criminals, Central 1921

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (1)


2. ‘Hayes’, early 1920s

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (2)



3. Emma Rolfe (aka May Mulholland, Sybil White, Jean Harris and Eileen Mulholland), 1 April 1920

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (14)



4. Harris Hunter, 17 September 1924

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (17)



5. “Mrs Osbourne” circa 1919

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (4)



6. Alfred Ladewig circa 1920s

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (8)




7. Vera Crichton, 21 February 1924

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (30)



8. William Munro, 17 September 1924

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (31)




9. Elsie Hall, Dulcie Morgan, Jean Taylor c. 1920

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (13)




10. Ah Chong, 11 July 1928

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (33)




11. Fay Watson, 24 March 1928

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (34)




12. Leslie Louis Bernstein, 29 November 1929

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (20)




13. Ronald Frederick Schmidt, 13 June 1921

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (24)



14. Valerie Lowe, 15 February 1922

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (29)




15. Thomas Sutherland Jones and William Smith, 15 July 1921

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (28)




16. Alfred Fitch, 18 August 1924

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (7)



17. Nancy Cowman, 21 February 1924

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (23)




18. Giuseppe Mammone, 15 February 1930

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (5)



19. Sidney Langby, 9 December 1924

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (25)



20. Jack Samuels (obscured), Howard Fletcher and Michael Patrick Ryan, 1 August 1930

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (19)




21. Hazel McGuinness, 26 July 1929

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (36)




22. Daniel Ligores, around November 1920

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (12)



23. Spencer Cornford, 9 December 1924

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (26)




24. Isabella Higgs, 21 February 1924

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (3)





25. Albert Sing, 31 March 1922

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (6)


26. Frank McGowan, Robert McFarlane and John Dennis McFarlane, 23 May 1921

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (15)




27. Greta Massey, 26 January 1923

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (16)



28. Norman Wallace, 29 May 1923

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (38)



29. Frederick Schmelz, 20 June 1930

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (35)



30. Barbara Turner, 10 October 1921

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (10)




31. Alfred Bodmore (alias Podmore), 3 August 1923

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (39)




32. C Smith, Joseph Bezzina, William J Williamson, Aiden Feutrill, George Hodder, William Thorson, 25 January 1928

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (11)




33. Eileen May Burt, 3 January 1924

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (40)




34. Harry Chapman, 30 June 1924

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (18)


35. May Blake, 1 September 1930

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (21)




36. Henry Reid, 7 January 1930

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (37)


No entry for Reid appears in the NSW Police Gazet.


37. May Russell, 31 January 1922

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (22)



25 January 1928.

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (9)




39. Thomas Maria, Arthur Wyatt, and Patrick Dangar (alias Brosnan), c. 1920

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (27)




40. ‘Ah Num’ and ‘Ah Tom’, ca 1930

Vintage Candid Mugshots of Dapper Criminals 1920s (32)

. Gertrude Thompson and Vera McDonald









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